Friday, November 11, 2011


I leave for Peru tomorrow and I am not sure what to expect. I am told that there will be  poverty and for the most part I will be in the slums. I am excited to experience a new world and that I get to aid people that cannot aid themselves. In James, a book of the Bible it says "true religion is this, that one would help the orphan and the widows."
I am a bit nervous, but I know that God is always with me and He's not going to leave me in the hard times or even the good ones. I know that Peru isn't the safest place in the world and the fact that armed guards will escort me to the city has me on a bit on the edge. I realize though that my life is short and I live in a world that will perish, in a Psalm of the Bible it says "Our life is like the a vapor, here one day and gone the next."  I realize that life is short and that I will choose to live for my home that is not here, but with the Lord a home that never will perish and that doesn't disappear like a vapor. I feel investing in that home is more important than investing in one here that will pass away.
In time I will be forgotten, no one will remember me in a century from now, no one will know I went to Peru or that I attended Oklahoma State or anything in my life. My life in this world is meaningless in that sense. I find joy thought that I have a heavenly father that takes in account what I did for him on this earth and does not forget. He will not remember my bank account number or my retirement plan, but he will remember what I did for Him, and that is worth more than gold.
So I choose to live a life style that will never fade as this world does, I choose to live one that will last, it may not be glamorous to the eye of the public, but it is the richest life one can live. A life that will never end exist in Jesus, He is life.