Friday, December 9, 2011

Great Song

    This song is one of my favorite songs, I could listen to it over and over again and I would never get tired of it. It constantly reminds me that my best efforts are not good enough. The good news is that God's love is good enough and for the whole world.
    When I get down on myself or am having a bad day, I can turn  this song on and it will remind me that my God loves me no matter what I did or done or will do. My God is strong and he is my helper He is the same as he was at the beginning and He will be the same when he rolls up the world.
   Even when the mountains crumble and the sun is gone I will be found in Him.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Arriving in America

    When I returned from my mission trip from Peru  I carried more home then just my baggage, I carried home emotional baggage. My trip was six days but it felt like six weeks. I realized when I was serving people who needed much, my heart grew. I originally went to Peru knowing that the Lord wanted me to go, so I went, but I did not know what it expect.
   I found people who were searching, not just for physical needs but for Christ. On an average day in Peru I would walk the streets of poverty looking for hurting people, but what I found most of the time was the hurting people were seeking me. I would have people approach me asking why I was there, or who I am, then I would explain I am here from God to help and then a smile would appear on there face and then they would say "come with me". Showing me their children who couldn't see because of blindness or elderly who had major back problems, I would lead them to Christ, who is the healer of the heart and not just body. I would also take them to our medial clinic sometimes a long walk away.
  What I found that surprised me was, it wasn't me who was loving on these people it was God inside of me reaching and yearning for their hearts. A God who desperately wants to set things right , just as it was at the creation of the world. A God who wants a relationship with His creation, not religion. The same God who made the world was yearning through me for these people and all I could do was give myself to Him and let Him work.
  I found at the end of my trip that I was not the one giving the blessing, but I was the one who was being blessed.