Sunday, October 30, 2011


       Tomorrow is Halloween, though I am not a big fan of it I do enjoy the tradition. I grew up going trick or treating and carving pumpkins, all the things Halloween has to offer. On the other side of the argument I hate scary things such as haunted houses', scary movies and so on. So Halloween is a bitter sweet for me, I enjoy the fun things like eating pumpkin, having a pumpkin spice latte and carving pumpkins.
       I love making memories, I took my girlfriend to the pumpkin patch in Perkins last week and we picked and carved a pumpkin together, these are the reasons I love Halloween, not because of the scare factor, but becasue of the memories that are made. Of course she carved a better pumpkin than I did  because I am horrible artist so I managed to carve a cross into a pumpkin, which I liked, but it was not artistic.
      The Important thing is that Halloween did not just bring delicious candy and an excuse to be your favorite super hero, but it brings bonding, memories and traditions that will last a lifetime. I plan on enjoying the rest of the Halloween season and I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Best Game that Never Happened .

        This year Oklahoma and Oklahoma state were going to match up for one of the best bedlam games this state has ever seen. Dec. 3, these two teams were supposed to match, Oklahoma sitting at the number three spot and Oklahoma State at four. The game would have decided who would be in the national championship, but that dream died yesterday when Oklahoma fell to the Texas Tech Red Raiders.
        Oklahoma was supposed to walk over Texas Tech but the fell over them instead. Oklahoma has not lost a game on their home field in six years the team they lost to then was also unranked like Texas Tech. Now the game of the century is now just another bedlam game, though for the Cowboys it still huge but for the Sooners it's just another bedlam.
        Hopefully it will be a good game to watch like last year, but I am not sure what to expect seeing that the that Landry Jones has better hands than his receivers. I hope that it will be a good match up though as long as the Cowboys don't mimic the Sooner's behavior they will be alright.
       My predictions this year is that the Sooners will recive the victorty. I feel that the Cowboys have a hard time getting over the mental stumbling block of bedlam. I do know that the game will be close all the way to the end of the game,but I feel that late in the fourth quarter the Sooners will triumph.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Must Love Dogs

For the past few weeks I have been watching my sister's dog and my girlfriend's dog. My sister, Bri, has a pit bull puppy that is four weeks old, my girlfriend, Meagan, has a lab/hound mix that is four months old. Although I do love dogs taking care of them is more than I thought, for example the lab/hound just jumped on the couch and is trying to push me off to get comfortable and I'm trying to type. This week I am watching the lab/hound, which is my personal favorite,nhe is a cuddler and is much more calm than the pit bull.  Today I left the him outside and it rained while I was out to the stor , when I get back he is soaking wet. As I fumble my groceries to get through the door he finds his opportunity to get inside. Dashing between my legs he heads to the place that he loves the most my bed, so now I have a handful of groceries and a wet dog in my bed, lucky me.
     Prior to this week I was watching my sister's dog the pit bull, he is even more of a handful. He loves to be my alarm clock, which I am ok with, but not at 6 a.m. I enjoy him because he is a puppy and is playful but I am not sure how my sister can live with this dog. It will not stop whinning, I tried to ignore it as long as I could but it's like trying to ignore a foghorn.
     Overall I do have a soft spot for dogs, I just would not be a good owner at the moment. I feel I could keep one alive, but as far as a good owner not so much.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Strategic Communications

    People always ask me what my major is and I always get the same response, it is hard to describe the response I get because it's a head gesture. After telling someone my major is strategic communications they give me like a backward head nod. What is funny is I know exactly what they're thinking, they're thinking I have no idea what that means and I don't care that you tell me. Strategic Communications is a mixture of advertising, public relations and journalism. I have figured out a way to avoid the apathetic response, I tell them that my major is one of the three I listed. So one day I'm an advertising major and the other I am a public relations major. I find this is a better approach to the, what's your major question.
   This was on my mind because as I was logging on to a computer at the library someone asked me what my major is. I don't know why I do this anyway becasue people don't care what my major is they're just trying to make small talk. So actually, I'm double majoring in architecure and chemical engineering. :)

About Will

         I am a junior at Oklahoma State and my major is Strategic Communications. I am 21-years-old and I like to play more than I work. This becomes a problem when it comes to school work but the good thing is I enjoy my major. I was in the business college but after setting a low  on a test for my accounting class I decided business was not for me.  
    After I have my degree I plan on pursuing the film industry. I enjoy making christian based short films and I hope to continue this in the future. I have two years of school left and I hope to gain more friendships with new people and enjoy the rest of my time at Osu.