Sunday, October 30, 2011


       Tomorrow is Halloween, though I am not a big fan of it I do enjoy the tradition. I grew up going trick or treating and carving pumpkins, all the things Halloween has to offer. On the other side of the argument I hate scary things such as haunted houses', scary movies and so on. So Halloween is a bitter sweet for me, I enjoy the fun things like eating pumpkin, having a pumpkin spice latte and carving pumpkins.
       I love making memories, I took my girlfriend to the pumpkin patch in Perkins last week and we picked and carved a pumpkin together, these are the reasons I love Halloween, not because of the scare factor, but becasue of the memories that are made. Of course she carved a better pumpkin than I did  because I am horrible artist so I managed to carve a cross into a pumpkin, which I liked, but it was not artistic.
      The Important thing is that Halloween did not just bring delicious candy and an excuse to be your favorite super hero, but it brings bonding, memories and traditions that will last a lifetime. I plan on enjoying the rest of the Halloween season and I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving.

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