Monday, October 3, 2011

Strategic Communications

    People always ask me what my major is and I always get the same response, it is hard to describe the response I get because it's a head gesture. After telling someone my major is strategic communications they give me like a backward head nod. What is funny is I know exactly what they're thinking, they're thinking I have no idea what that means and I don't care that you tell me. Strategic Communications is a mixture of advertising, public relations and journalism. I have figured out a way to avoid the apathetic response, I tell them that my major is one of the three I listed. So one day I'm an advertising major and the other I am a public relations major. I find this is a better approach to the, what's your major question.
   This was on my mind because as I was logging on to a computer at the library someone asked me what my major is. I don't know why I do this anyway becasue people don't care what my major is they're just trying to make small talk. So actually, I'm double majoring in architecure and chemical engineering. :)

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